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Monday, 25 April 2016

North Western Blanks 12ft 1 3/4lb Carbon Kevlar refurbishment

 I recently had a blast from the past dropped off, namely as titled, a North Western Blanks 12ft 1 3/4lb Carbon Kevlar carp rod that'd seen better days........

Looking battered and disheveled,  this had been coloured many years ago and spray painted, then finished in what I can only guess was yatch varnish, not a bad way of doing things back in the day, but modern day resins and epoxy's take some beating for clarity and durability. Here's a few 'before' shots showing the damage/wear and tear  . . . . . . ..

From a distance it didn't look that bad..........

However . . . . . . .  close up was another story . . . . . . .

So a total strip down was on the cards, back down to bare blank, first by blade, then by various grades of wet and dry until it was smooth as the proverbial baby's, and clinically cleaned with acetone!

Once prep'd I was able to then re-finish the blank in a clear hard wearing modern resin, to get it in shape for the next stage when the rings go back on, as the blank and resin needs a day or two curing time, the 'after' shots will come in another post, but for now, this is the current state of the build............... 

More shots to follow in about a week ;)